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Josh Giddey Girlfriend Instagram

Josh Giddey Instagram Photo Raises Concerns

Alleged Relationship with High School Girl Sparks Controversy

NBA Investigation Concludes

Australian basketball star Josh Giddey has found himself at the center of a media storm after a photograph surfaced of him enjoying a night out with a Melbourne model. However, it is the young model's age that has raised concerns and prompted an investigation.

The woman in the photograph is believed to be a high school student, leading to questions about the nature of their relationship. Giddey, who has nearly 500,000 followers on Instagram, has not publicly commented on the matter.

The NBA, where Giddey plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder, has reportedly concluded its investigation into the allegations. However, the findings of the investigation have not been released to the public.

The situation has sparked a debate about the ethics of relationships between older men and younger women, as well as the importance of consent. It remains to be seen whether Giddey will face any further consequences or if the controversy will fade away.
